Biosicurezza permanente Anti legionella

Anti-legionella biosafety

For the prevention and control of Legionella


  • no chemical shocks
  • no thermal shocks
  • no plant downtime
  • no corrosions
  • no environmental residues
  • no maintenance
Physico Il trattamento per acque adibite al consumo umano

Physical treatment of water for human use and consumption

The radial electromagnetic induction permanently counteracts and prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms with non-polluting physical means and no environmental residues.

It is installed in the delivery line of the domestic hot water recirculation section on by-pass.

Applicable to new or already operating installations.

Energy savings

No maintenance / No chemical additives

The installation of the RACS device does not exempt from the mandatory periodic microbiological checks that guarantee the proper conditions of the water system.


PH 350/3 RACS on by-pass

Permanent abatement of the CFU of Legionella Pneumophila, Salmonella and pathogenic bacteria.
Functional even at low temperatures, allowing significant energy savings.

Physico RACS

The activity against pathogenic microorganisms is the result of our company’s constant research and development

Water systems with potential risk of legionellosis

  • Residences
  • Condominiums
  • Workplaces
  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Educational institutions
  • Facilities for children
  • Hotels
  • Buildings with accommodations
  • Catering businesses
  • Hospitals
  • Health facilities
  • Nursing homes
  • Beauty and Spa centers
  • Hydromassage tubs
  • Sports centers
  • Shopping centers
  • Tourist facilities
  • Recreational facilities
  • Exhibition centers and fairs
  • Irrigation systems
  • Cooling towers
  • Fountains
  • Ships
  • Swimming pools

Additional Benefits

  • Average device life: 20/25 years
  • 10-year warranty against manufacturing defects
  • Tested in certified laboratories and in already functioning contaminated systems
  • Functional both on mains and underground water, even without chlorine
  • It keeps the chemical composition of treated water unchanged

Permanent Biosafety, energy savings and environmental sustainability

Anti-Legionella efficiency tested by certified laboratories.
Analysis and certificates of application compliance for the treatment of water intended for human consumption carried out by universities and research laboratories.

To achieve permanent sanitation, it is mandatory to follow the maintenance instructions of the water system as given in the “Technical guidelines for the control and prevention of Legionella in water systems”, document No. 79/CSR/ 2015.

It is mandatory to comply with the Italian National Institute of Health’s COVID-19 report No. 21/2020: Guide for the prevention of Legionella contamination in the water systems of tourist accommodation facilities and other civil and industrial buildings unused during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes deemed useful for the evolution of the product to its models, without notice.

Plate with legionella colonies with devices off

Plate with legionella colonies with devices on

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Compliant with European directive 2020/2184 (recast) for water intended for human consumption.

Compliant with M.D. No. 174 of 6 April 2004, regulation concerning materials and objects that can be used in permanent systems for the collection, treatment, adduction and distribution of water intended for human consumption.

Device for the treatment of water intended for human consumption and technical use pursuant
to M.D. No. 25 of 7 February 2012.

It complies with the guidelines for the prevention and control of legionellosis.

Analysis, research and certificates performed by:

University of Padua

University of Milan

IMQ - Italian Quality Mark Institute

CSA - Research Institute


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Technical and commercial documentation is available on request. Please fill out the form below to register

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PHYSICO® patented and manufactured by Tecnoacque® with its registered office in Via Vò di Placca, 18 - 35020 Due Carrare - Padua - Italy - P.IVA IT02556080287 (Tax Identification Number) - Tel. +39 049 91 25 688 - - - -